Singer, Trig

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Singer, Trig

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SPEEDING GREEN CAR | 29.5in x 36in | Archival Pigment Print, mounted |  Edition 3/6




Trig Singer is a Vancouver-based artist whose work is held in a number of private collections as well as the Edmonton Art Gallery and the Alberta Art Foundation. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Trig has worked with cameras all his life.

In 1975, he received a Canada Council Grant to produce a body of work from Poland that resulted in a large one man show at both York University and The Edmonton Library. Singer was also concurrently working as a documentary camera man for a number of Edmonton-based film companies and the National Film Board.

He was awarded the 1982 AMPIA award for best cinematography for “Inuipitan” a film that followed an Inuit trapper as he sought to provide for his extended family in the Western Arctic.

Since moving to Vancouver in the early 1980s Singer has worked in the motion picture industry as a camera operator on major pictures under some of the world’s most acclaimed cinematographers and directors.